0332. The Beatles
Rubber Soul

The Beatles' sixth album, compared to the previous stuff that the fab four had released, seems more experimental, or maybe their version of creating "alternative" music.
One milestone they placed in the road of pop with this one is using a sitar in Norwegian Wood and thus launching the sitar-wave in Western music. Along with other novel instrumentation they began building what would culminate in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hears Club Band more than a decade later.
It's a pretty huge step in just a year since A Hard Day's Night, but then again, they did release two albums in between.
While some lyrics, like What Goes On, are obviously influenced by Dylan, some still are the pop they got into the big leagues with. Best of the lot is I'm Looking Through You, but I'm not really sure what to say about the last track, Run For Your Life, with it's cheery message of "I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with another man" (written by Lennon of course. Some day I'm gonna have to make a study on how he wrote about women).