0221. Jeff Buckley

Yes, the surname Buckley has shown up before and yes, it's the prodigy's progeny. Who tiptoed along in his estranged father's footsteps to become a successful musician and then dying young (outdoing dad by making better music and also surviving two years longer, though I don't know if he sired a son).
The swirly guitar licks and Jeff's vocal range, along with the fullness of the production almost gives me chills at times. Truly a collection of impressive songs. The only problem with this album is that it gets a little bit too much after a while, like having to down that last pint of stout when you only can manage a half-pint. I honestly have to break up the listening sessions into halves to not get ...overwhelmed? (I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for, but it'll do)
Given his early demise, song-titles like Last Goodbye and Eternal Life (and of course the songs themselves) takes on a bit of a more sombre tone than they might have if he'd lived. But even if not, Jeff's first and last complete album is a definite listen, albeit in small doses.