0077. Pink Floyd
The Wall

For the ones who doesn't know about this album it's a concept album (it's Pink Floyd after all) chronicling the story of Pink, a miserable figure who just can't get a break and thus starts shielding himself from the world behind "the wall".
There's twenty-six tracks here and you're bound to find at least a couple you like. Personally I've got a preference for the Another Brick In The Wall-tracks (there's three of them and as far as for the song we've all heard it's Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) - the song which acccording to legend drove its' point about penalistic teachers home when the kids singing the chorus got relegated for being in the song), Mother (which deals with an overprotective as well as abusive mum) and Comfortably Numb (where the protagonist finds serenity in drugs). To put it simple there's a load of very nice and amazing tracks and there would have been more if not for one small thing...
Yeah, I know what you're gonna say - "Quit whining about their voices gaddämnit!" - but you know what? I'm still gonna, cause this, the famous / infamous rock opera The Wall, has it's highs and lows correponding with Dave Gilmour (yeah, you know the guy who got Kate Bush signed) or Roger Waters singing. The tracks where it's Gilmour or a Waters thet holds back and sings softly are more compelling than the ones where Waters lets loose and wails away. Simple as that, really, his voice isn't suited for high intensity screams. Luckily there's not so many of those.
This is the third of the more obviously rockoperatic theme-albums on the list, but where the other two were not so impressive (The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, which was pompous beoyond belief, and Antichrist Superstar, which thematically as well as in form is a ripoff of The Wall [a fact that even the editors of "1001 albums you must hear..." picked up on]) this is very well worth at least one listen (which will probably lead to a couple of more spins).