0960. Bruce Springsteen
Born In The U.S.A.
A wee bit heavy on the synths, this album got Springsteen sort of trapped in the eighties for a while, and compared to the previous release, Nebraska, it's pop rock.
Born In The U.S.A. is probably one of the most misunderstood hits out there, with everyone from Joe Sixpack to Congressman Clive thinking it's a celebration of the U.S. instead of the story of a man losing friends in a war they had no idea of why it concerned them, and coming home to unemployment and a shattered life.
Here and there in the song the lyrics seem to be cut off, though, like Bruce either didn't finish writing or just plain forgot what to sing.
But you know what? The title track isn't the best song on here, but instead it's Cover Me - a track with such an irresistible rhythm and escapist theme just can't go wrong.
It also juxtaposes perfectly with the sort of menacing track I'm On Fire, which I get a slightly bad feeling from.