0957. Jane's Addiction
Ritual De Lo Habitual
Jane's Addiction's third album was divided into a thematic part (the B side) and an assorted rock part (side A), and there's two things that gives this a bump in the grade:
First there's the fact that they've made a couple of long, and
musically fairly good, tracks.
Second it's the undeniably catchy Been Caught Stealing.
But then there's that nagging feeling until I realize what bothers
me throughout the album: frontman Perry Farrell's so full of his
dude-bro self it's got to be a record high.
Even when he's singing about a dead friend it's all about him.
Also, the writing…
Cause while Jane Says (off Nothing's Shocking) actually was a good song, none of the tracks on this one clears the bar for the lyrics (closest is Then She Did). Mostly I can see the intent, but the execution makes it painfully clear that Perry had a bit too much control of the band's "artistic vision".