0893. Incubus
Make Yourself

Somewhere between an alternative rock outfit and jeans models, Incubus has the same problem as Sugar Ray - there's a bit of credibility lacking.
But the music kind of works even though it's dated and even though the singer sounds a bit like the dude from Linkin Park (and you don't know how happy I am that Incubus doesn't have a "rapper", cause the similarities between the bands are really enough as is).
Make Yourself is their third album and their mainstream breakthrough, selling ten times the amount of their previous thanks to the success of the acoustic version (and subsequent EP-release) of the track Pardon Me. It's also the album where they changed their sound to a more accessible one (less nu-metal), and introduced their new DJ after firing the previous guy due to him being a hindrance for the band being a "productive family".
And the sure fire way to show that the new guy's welcome? Give him a showcase of his own, whether it's a bass solo or, as in this case, a whole track where his turntables are playing lead, no matter if it fits the album or not.
I'm not sure at all what makes this an album to hear before you die, actually.