0713. Keith Jarrett
The Köln Concert

Okay, this isn't good for my self-confidence. Keith Jarrett's got perfect pitch, started playing the piano at three, first concert at seven (including his own compositions), and going on to record with Miles Davis (and many others).
This is him, solo and live in concert, freestyling three compositions and improvising around a pre-written theme as the encore. And it's not entirely spellbinding, but latching on to the not-quite conscious part of the brain.
It's not easy for me to describe this, or even pin down how I feel
about it, cause for a while I think I get the most out of Part II A,
as it's a and that Part II B is a bit too stressful fo my taste, but
on the next listen it's switches.
However: the one annoying constant that remains throughout all the
albums spins is when he gets feeling and starts uuuh-ing [apparently
something he's famous for], cause sometimes it just takes away from
the music.
But then again, it's almost inaudible, so who cares? (Well, apart
from me, who picks up on that stuff as easily as Keith picks up on
and reviles sounds from the audience - on more than one occation
stopping his concerts to give coughers a piece of his mind. Not on
this one though.)
The Köln Concert became the best selling piano album ever, and
today he wants people to get over it and move on.