0609. T.Rex
The Slider
Coincidences happen! Yesterday's album is
by the band that was the opening act on T.Rex's last tour,
some five years after The Slider was released.
This is Bolasn second glam-album (the first one was Electric
Wizard - if you remember?) and of the two singles released,
Telegram Sam and Metal Guru, neither one catches my fancy.
Instead it's the title track, with it's evasive maneuvers
that's the peak here.
Otherwise it's a lot of songs with (dare I say?) fairly simple
lyrics that at times seem to be written mainly cause he thought
of a fun rhyme or allitteration (yes, technically tht's a rhyme
too, I know), but as the music's very competent stuff it's okay.
T.Rex isn't really for creating a revolution, but for making
you shake your stuff and to that goal Bolan aimed well.
(and I won't even go into the riff of Cariot Choogle sounding a bit like Whole Lotta Love)