0606. Joy Division
Unknown Pleasures
When a band's named after the sex-slaves of the Third Reich, you might guess that it's not the happiest gang in the world. Calling their debut Unknown Pleasures and pounding out angst doesn't add to the brightness of the day, by the way.
The way this is recorded gives the impression of being a highly underproduced album, but listening a bit closer reveals that it actually could be one of the greatest demo-tapes of the post-punk scene.
There's flat notes and there's some not so skilled playing, but
the end result? Holy smokes! Better than anything heard from
the golden boys of british independents The Smiths this far.
Sadly this band'll only show up once more as the singer Ian Curtis
committed suicide after their second album.
But up til then they graced us by letting us have songs like
I Remember Nothing and She's Lost Control.