0532. Lucinda Williams
Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
When Lucinda made this album she apparently wasn't out
to make (or keep) friends as both her old songwriting
partner and one of the guests on the album say it
was, well, less than ideal.
And? It's not my type of music.
It's mostly the type of pop'd up country rock I've come to dislike, and the title track stands out for having the most awkwardly worded chorus of the album (it's like trying to fit a twelve gallon head in a ten gallon hat). And what the hell's going on in Joy? Or rather: what the hell's going on with these people who keep thinking they can "sort of" pseudo-sing rap?
But! The last track, Jackson, is perfectly suited for Williams as it's in the more stripped down country style she started out with some twenty years earlier.