0503. Fairport Convention

I like bands that can make me go "Wait? What?", and Fairport Convention's French version of Bob Dylan's If You Gotta Go, Go Now makes exactly that happen. Si Tu Dois Partir, as the song's called in this version, also was the Convention's only(?) charting single, in spite of it's pretty messy sound (almost reminds me of Os Mutantes).
The wierdest thing of all, though, is that Richard Thompson's a part of the band. I guess it shows just how a musicianship can take a turn for the worse, cause this is folk-rock in a way I like.
Half of the tracks are Fairport originals, three are Bob Dylan songs, and one is an arrangement of an old traditional folk song, and gosh darn it - all of 'em are quite good. So thumbs up for this one!
Sadly, this is another of the killing albums as the drummer died along with Thompson's girlfriend in a car accident in between Unhalfbricking's recording and release.