0465. Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The

Marching boots, powerchords, drums and a riff. Thus the only album by the
Sex Pistols released while they were still a band enters 1000 Albums + Some
One thing that stands out about this one is that it sounds very clean and
professional, i.e. not like the more DIY punk albums it
was contemporary to, but also not like the drek that was Johnny Rotten's
first PIL albums.
The most famous songs here are the (at the time) highly controversial God Save The Queen as well as the anthemic Anarchy In The UK and Pretty Vacant. But a hidden gem is the very graphic abortion-song Bodies (by many assumed to be against abortion, but by Rotten later claimed to be neutral on the subject), with melodic qualities above many other tracks.
Thanks to clever PR this was by the mainstream seen as the defining punk album at the time, and thus also has become just that in the eyes of later bands as they use this as the go-to album when citing influences. So, yes, due to the impact and legacy, this is an album you got to hear, and yes, it's even a good one. Pretty nicely done for a band built a lot on smart management.
[fact check: very irritating that 1001 Albums You Must Hear... reported on the exact same songs, but again - it just shows we're on the same level ...sometimes]