0327. The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
A couple of big surprises: these guys were Scottish, they rocked hard and they managed to use the piano as a fully functional rock'n'roll instrument.
All descriptions of The Sensational Alex Haley Band clearly states their flamboyant and energetic stage shows and impressively enough it's conveyed pretty well on this album. If you connected this to a generator you could replace a multitude of the coal power plants in Europe.
From the opening riff in Swampsnake to the mighty ending track, The Last Of The Teenage Idols, it's a whole lot of weirdness going on (and yes: the track Gang Bang is exactly what the title implies) and even though some of it is more silly than good (Giddy-Up-A-Ding Dong is a 50's style sock hop-song) I'm kinda blown away.
From boogie-rock to waltz to almost heavy metal to Motown and more makes me want to see the Next... tour so bad!