0300. The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sweet! The Beatles finally made it into the list (and at number 300 at that)!
It's been heralded as the most important album, like EVAR!!! and well, obviously this is an album you must have heard before you lay down to die.
Not only is is a Very Important Album, it's also a good example of what happens when a bands success gets them to the place where they can do anything (like having a recording-effects invented for them). The resources at their hands was near infinite (I guess) which led to a concept album of sprawling musical influences.
From psychedelic (Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds) to music hall (When I'm Sixty-Four) to odes to meter-maids (Lovely Rita) and traditional Indian (Within You Without You) this sees the Beatles donning the persona of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band to gain a little bit more freedom to give in to their eccentricities. Like the last track of the A-side, Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite, which is an experiment in circus noise and poster lyrics.
Some of the best songs are however the more traditional, like Fixing A Hole and the delicate song about troubled relationships, She's Leaving Home, as well as the harsh reality of A Day In The Life. Though With A Little Help From My Friends probably is the second most well-known song on this album it's a track that owes most of it's shine to the cover version Joe Cocker made to his signature song at Woodstock a couple of years later and excelling at that - one of few covers of pop-music that's far greater than the original.
And even though I'm not really that blown away by the album as a whole it still goes on the GotToGets simply by being both a good album and a huge influence on popular music.