0293. Travis
The Man Who
Well, yes: I do mistake these guys for Coldplay ever so often. The downside of that is obvious, but on the upside I get happily surprised as Travis' lead singer Francis Healy isn't as much of a bore as Chris Martin.
Travis was another Oasis supporting act but with a different style of Brit pop than The Charlatans. A bit more boring, as well as a bit less whining, but still - different.
And as different isn't synonymous to interesting I find myself not really listening to most of the tracks, but a fascinating thing happens after the final ("but not really final cause we've got a hidden track too, you know") track Slide Show fades out: they start to sound like Bright Eyes as the hidden track comes on.
The second time I listen to the album I kinda tune out for forty-five minutes until Blue Flashing Lights wake me up again. Not a good sign for The Man Who, but a good grade for that one song.