0290. AC/DC
Back in Black
So what the hell do you do when the band's frontman and singer accidentally drinks himself to death?
Most bands pack it up and quits. Some bands reform under a new name. A few continue with a new singer, but makes sure to wite a couple of tribute ballads.
And then there's AC/DC, who within half a year from Bon Scott's death had recruited Brian johnson to record Back In Black - a tribute to debauchery.
There isn't a sniffle nor a sob here, but instead a kick-ass string of hard rock-riffs in the same shoes as Scott's final album, Highway To Hell.
Hells Bells and of course the title track, Back In Black, are the key songs on this album, but there are a lot of other hits here too, like What You Do For Money Honey - a track that seems to be one of the songs that never gets played, even though it's far better than the even-less-than-subtle Given The Dog A Bone.
This album is a near-perfect comeback from a band that never left.