0204. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Architecture And Morality

Long before they were OMD with the world and sailing some seven seas they were originally called VCL XI after a misread Kraftwerk-sleeve. After some reconfiguring of the members they emerged as Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark and were not quite as harmonious as their later incarnation.
Still, the songs are good, well-composed synth-pop with dark undertones. And while tracks like The New Stone Age are pretty great there's one that stands out of the crowd. The militaristic sounding Joan Of Arc (Maid Of Orleans) is quite beautiful with it's marching drums and strings (and makes me once again ponder the prospect of creating a list of the thousand or so greatest songs - might happen one day or another, so keep your eyes peeled).
Architecture And Morality is an album that, despite it's pretentious name works just fine.