0146. The rolling Stones
Exile On Main St.
So, what to do when it all gets to be too much - when the man tax you out the wazoo and your ex-manager's a money-grabbing ass? Why, go to a damp cellar in a castle [fact check: okay, so it was a "villa", but still] in France, develop a heavy heroin addiction and record an album of course!
Well it's not actually the whole album that's from the cellar sessions, but merely a minority of the tracks as the majority was recorded during the previous years.
Anyway, this was the last album with their classic rock'n'roll sound and they made as much of it as they could, bringing in elements of gospel, soul, boogie and country.
I don't really think there are any obvious hits or singles on this album, but instead a couple of songs that grows for each listen, like Shine A Light, and a whole lot of pleasant tracks. Thumbs up for good execution.