Another Music In A Different Kitchen
This week's contained a pretty good blend of genres this far!Also some highs and some lows, but it's nice that it ends on a high-note!
While the singer sounds like he hasn't quite gone through puberty (har his voice really dropped?) it's punk. And it's done with great style for a band that formed less than two years before the album's release.
My favourite tracks are (except for Fast Cars) mostly clustered on the last third of the album with Fiction Romance (which sounds like Devo's long lost cousin - tight, short and strict riffs), Autonomy (where the intro-drumming is spookily reminiscient of Run To The Hills (maybe our metal-heroes in Maiden might have gotten inspired for their four year later release?)) and Moving Away From The Pulsebeat (seven-minutes long, largely instrumental and ends on a seriously strange note).
But then again: most of the songs are great, so maybe I just oughta put the whole tracklist here...